施工技术 2010年1月 36 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第1期 厦门翔安海底隧道开挖围岩应力与位移监测分析 余永强1,熊芳斌,李华茂2 (1.河南理工大学土木工程学院,河南熊作454000; 2.南水北调中线于线工程建设管理局河南直管建管都,河南集作454850) [摘要]针对海底隧道开挖后的复杂受力状况,采用围岩变形控制理论作为隧道施工工艺的安全控制标准.在厦 门翔安海底隧道的A1标段主隧道F4风化深槽施工现场,埋设应力盒与多点位移计,对隧道开挖后围岩应力与位 移进行测试,分析围岩应力与位移规律的非线性关系,在此基础上对围岩稳定状况做出初步评价,认为工程所采用 的先注浆、后爆破开挖的施工工艺切实可行. [关键词]海底隧道;应力;位移;监测 [中图分类号]U457.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)01-0036-02 Monitoring Analysis of Surrounding Rock Stress and Displacement in Xiamen Xiang'an Seabed Tunnel Excavation Yu Yongqiang' Xiong Fangbin' Li Huamao2 (1.Department of Civil Engineering He'nan Polytechnie University Jiaosuo He'nan 454000 China; 2.Construction and Administration Bureau of South to North Water Ditversion Middle Route Projeet Jiaozuo He'nan 454850 China) Abstract:Surrounding rock deformation control theory is adopted as the safety control standard of tunnel construction against the plex stress conditions.In order to measure the surrounding rock stress and displacement after excavation pressure cell and multi-point extensometers are buried in Al section main tunnel F4 weathering deep groove of Xiamen Xiang'an seabed tunnel.The nonlinear relation between surrounding rock stress and displacement is analyzed according to the testing results.Thus stability situation of surrounding rock is initially evaluated.It proves that the construction technology of blasting excavating after pouring is feasible. Key words:seabed tunnel;stress;displacement;monitoring 1工程概况 厦门翔安海底隧道是连接厦门本岛和翔安...
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