2010年9月 施工技术 第39卷第9期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 89 厦门西站站房工程贝雷架模板支撑体系设计及应用 李小荣 (中铁建设集团有限公司,北京100040) [摇]厦门否站站房工程8.95标高板为超天跨度预应力混凝土井字梁楼善,结构施工考患新建铁路福愿线工 程列通行需要,将贝架运用到梁板棋板支撑体系中,与如式脚手联含使用,形成贝雷架横板撑体系作为 工程列穿行通送.结合豆程实际,介了贝雷架模板支撑体翠设计、计算及施构造施,明确了施互花流 程,指出测量定位、贝雷架基础施工、立安装、承重梁及贝雷容装等操作要点,保证了工程顺利实施. [关键词]屋门西站:贝雷架:支撑体系:设计计算:构措施 [中分类导]TU731.2 [文献标识梯]A[章编号]1002-8498(2010)09-0089-03 Design and Application of Bailey Trestle Formwork Support System in Xiamen West Railway Station Li Xiaorong China Railway Construction Group Co.Lid.Beijing 100040 China) Abstract:In the Xiamen West Railway Station of Xiamen-Fuzhou railway the station house floor at 8.95m elevation is designed as superHarge span prestressed concrete grillage floor.Considering the requirements of train passage the Bailey trestle is used as train passage bining with bowl-scaffold to form the Bailey trestle formwork support system.Based on project eonditions design calculation and structural measures of the support system are introduced.Furthermore the construetion process are put forward as well as operation points such as measurement and location construction of Bailey trestle foundation installation of vertical columns bearing beams and Bailey trestle.Thus the train passage is successfully pleted. Key words:Xiamen West Railway Station:Bailey trestle:support system:design and calculation: structural measure 1工程概况 穿行通道留设等条件的限利,给梁板模板支撑体系的 厦门西位于厦门市集美区后溪镇,是国家铁路设计带来团难,如何选择容全、经合理的梁板模板直 网规划中沿海大通道的重要客运站,也是福建第2个撑体系,是施工的难点.将制式器材贝雷片运用到梁 重要客运...