施工技术 2013年1月下 58 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第2期 可移动单侧支模体系在半封闭施工环境中的应用 郑永超,孙瑞昂 (中建一局集团第三建筑有限公司,北京100161) [摘要]为保证深基坑的稳定性,基坑围护常采用多道内支撑结构,且顶部常带有封板.因受施工条件复杂、场地 狭小等原因限制,地下工程外墙多采用单侧支模施工工艺.但围护结构中的多道内支撑及顶部封板给大模板等物 料倒运带来困难,通过对单侧支模工艺进行优化、划分单元节、底部采用可移动式行走轮设计,解决单侧模板倒运 问题.以天津于家堡03-21地块地下空间工程为例,运用可移动单侧支模体系解决了半封闭深基坑施工环境中地 下墙体的施工.实践表明,该体系不但切实可行,而且可以有效缩短施工工期,提高施工效率. [关键词]地下工程;深基坑;地下连续墙;单侧支模;行走轮 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)02-0058-04 Application of Movable Unilateral Formwork System in Semi-enclosed Construction Environment Zheng Yongchao Sun Ruiang The Third Construction Co.Ltd.of China Construction First Group Beijing 100161 China) Abstract:In order to ensure the stability of deep foundation excavations multiple inside supports are usually used with cover plate on top to provide enclosure protection.Due to the plex environment of construction sites and narrow operation fields most external walls of basement use unilateral formwork system.However the roof cover plate and the inside supports make it difficult to transport construction materials.It is therefore proposed to optimize the unilateral formwork system divide into units and use movable wheel at the bottom of the formwork to solve this problem.Taking the underground project of Tianjin Yujiapu Plot 03-21 as an example the movable unilateral formwork system was used for underground wall construction in the semi-enclosed deep foundation excavation.The practice shows that the movable unilateral formwork system is not on...