2010年3月 施工技术 第39卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 79 喷射聚合物保温砂浆施工技术 张学伟,刘卫东,苏海华,邹文宝,肖煌俊 (上海理工大学城建学院,上200093) [摘要]在室内试验和工程实践的基础上,得出采用喷射聚合物保温砂浆施工技术是一种行之有效的墙体内保温 施工方法,尤其在历史保护建筑的改造中优势更加明显,它可以把墙体加固和墙体内保温结合起来,同时又考虑了 保护优秀历史建筑的原貌风格.该施工法用黏结强度较高的聚合物砂浆作为界面层,同时在墙体与界面层之间紧 贴墙面加钢丝网,有效地加固墙体;其喷射施工方式使得墙体内保温层连续均匀,有效防止了热桥的影响.简要介 绍了聚合物保湿砂浆的性能,着重闸述喷射案合物保温砂浆的施工工艺以及其加固保温机理. [关键词]聚合物保温砂浆;历史保护建筑;喷射施工技术;节能改造;外墙内保温 [中图分类号]TU526.826 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)03-0079-03 Construction Technology of Spraying Insulation Polymer-modified Mortar Zhang Xuewei Liu Weidong Su Haihua Zou Wenbao Xiao Huangjun Department of Civil Engineering University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai 200093 China) Abstract:Based on indoor experiments and engineering practice the authors find out that construction technology of spraying insulation polymer-modified mortar is effective for interior insulation construction of exterior wall particularly in renovation and rehabilitation projects of excellent historic buildings.This technology can bine interior insulation with strengthening of wall simultaneously it can protect the original style of historic buildings.This technology is using polymer-modified mortar with outstanding bond strength as interface layer and in which laying steel mesh cling to wall surface to reinforce the wall effectively.The spraying construction method makes insulation layer continuous and well-distributed which prevents the effects of the thermal bridge significantly.Some performances of insul...
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