施工技术 2015年10月上 78 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第19期 D0I:10.7672/8js2015190078 土体滑移对被动加载型锚杆的影响分析* 张伟,王政1,程佳佳2 (1.河南科技大学土木工程学院,河南洛阳471023;2.天津大学管理与经济学部,天津300073) [摘要]以被动加载型锚杆为研究对象,建立了关于锚杆和土壤的力学模型,研究了土体滑移对锚杆造成的影响. 用ANSYS对选取的错杆和足够大区域土体进行分析,采用弹簧单元Spring-damperl4来模拟外界土体和该区域之 间的联系,并选取Drucker-Prager材料模型来描述土体的本构关系.研究结果表明,当锚杆受到沿错杆垂线方向移 动的土体作用时,位移变形是不均匀的,最大位移变形处在杆的端部;应力分布沿杆长方向也是不均匀的,铺杆在 靠近端部位置剪应力达到最大值. [关键词]土体滑移:锚杆;被动加载;模拟分析 [中图分类号]TD353.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)19-0078-03 Analysis on the Influence of Soil Slip on Passive Loading Anchor Zhang Wei Wang Zheng' Cheng Jiajia2 (1.School of Ciril Engineering He'nan Unirersity of Science and Technology Luoyang He'nan 471023 China; 2.College of Management and Economics Tianjin Unirersity Tianjin 300073 China) Abstract:This paper aimed to study passive loading anchor mechanical models of anchors and soil were established.The influence of soil slip on anchors was studied.ANSYS software was selected to analyze anchors and large enough area soil Spring-damperl4 element was used to simulate connections between outside soil and this area.Drucker-Prager material model was used to describe constitutive relation of soil.The results show that displacements are uneven when anchors are subject to effect of soil movement along vertical direction of anchors.The maximum of displacement locates at the end of anchors.Stress distribution along the direction of anchors is also uneven.The maximum of shearing stress locates near the end. Key words:soil slip;a...