2016年8月下 施工技术 第45卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 53 D0I:10.7672/8js2016160053 坑底钢管静压桩地基托换加固技术应用 张廷会,李小刚,了小强 (陕西天地地展有限责任公司,陕哥容710054) [摘委]底静压桩地基抵换技术可以对具有湿陷性的弱土层,解决构翼的地基产生沉降变形的向题.结合 忧底钢管静压地基换加固技术原理和陕西某煤矿瓦斯泵房风机地基沉降变形蓝工程地质件,提出了悦底铜 静压花加团设计方亲,介了忧底钢管静压雄成雄施工工艺、质量控制要点,对悦底静压的光入土深度 和压桩力进行了分析.结果表明,抗底钢管静压桂对软弱湿陷性地基加园果良好,成质量拉制要重视施工的 过程制,可以很好地解决款弱湿性土层产生的地是沉降开裂向题. [关键词]加固;钢管静压桩;地基;沉降;托换;应用 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [女故标识码]A[交章编号]1002-8498(2016)16-0053-04 Reinforcement Technology Application of the Foundation Underpinning with the Steel Pipe Bottom Static Pressure Pile Zhang Tinghui Li Xiaogang Ding Xiaoqiang (Shaanxi World Geological Limited Liability Company Xi'an Shaanxi 710054 China) Abstract:Static pressure pile foundation underpinning technology can solve the problem of structure foundation subsidence deformation in bottom collapsibility with soft soil layer.Combining with steel pipe bottom static pressure pile foundation underpinning reinforcement technology principle and shaanxi subgrade settlement deformation of the coal mine gas pump room fan and engineering geological conditions the bottom steel pipe pile underpinning reinforcement design scheme is put forward.This paper introduces the construction technology for steel pipe pile static pressure pile bottom and key points of quality control.Capacity of static pressure pile bottom of pile tip and the force that press a pile are analyzed.The results show that the steel pipe pile bottom collapsibility of soft foundation reinforeement effeet is good ...
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