施工技术 2017年8月上 14 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第15期 D0I:10.7672/8js2017150014 外倾式变曲率竹饰面弧墙模板支撑一体化施工技术 刘玉涛,沈映,陆建飞,王洪腾,韩超 (中天建设集团有限公司,浙江杭州310020) [摘要]南宁万科大厦角部外倾变曲率竹饰面弧墙施工,采用新型的模板支撑一体化加固体系,并通过项目实践形 成了一套完整的施工技术.施工中增加弧墙内钢骨,通过焊接在钢骨上的对拉螺杆将施工中的全部荷载传递至钢 骨,并设计了钢筋桁架环箍和衬模竹片的模板结构,解决了传统支撑体系刚度、强度不足,三维空间自适应差等 问题.模板支撑一体化加固体系结构设计简洁,施工工艺操作简单、快捷.弧墙施工过程弧形墙体测量定位精准, 弧墙截面厚度及钢筋定位控制准确,外立面竹条饰面纹理效果良好. [关键词]高层建筑:模板;支撑;变曲率;钢筋桁架环箍:施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755.2;TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)15-0014-05 Construction of Integral Construction Scheme for Formwork Support of Curved Bamboo Wall with Outer-incline Bending Curvature LIU Yutao SHEN Ying LU Jianfei WANG Hongteng HAN Chao (Zhongtian Construction Group Co.Lid.Hangzhou Zhejiang 310020 China) Abstract:The curved bamboo wall construction of Nanning Vanke Building corner applies a new kind of formwork and support integrated reinforcement system and through the project practice to form a plete set of construction technology.In the construetion the internal steel reinforeement is added in the arc wall and all the loads in the construction are transmitted to the steel reinforcement by the pull- screw welded on the steel reinforcement.And the formwork structure of the steel truss hoops and the lining mold bamboo is designed to solve the problems of insufficient stiffness and strength and poor three-dimensional space adaptation.The formwork support integrated reinforcement system design is simple the construction process is simple and fast.Are wall positioning is...
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