2015年2月上 施工技术 第44卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 79 D0I:10.7672/5js2015030079 外加剂对聚合物改性水泥砂浆凝结时间的影响* 冯虎,高丹盈,徐洪涛2,赵亮平1 (1.郑州大学土木工程学院,河南郑州450001;2.郑州大学综合设计研究院有限公司,河南郑州450001) [摘要]通过系统试验,研究了聚合物改性剂、硅烷偶联剂、减缩剂及消泡剂对聚合物改性水泥砂浆凝结时间的影 响.发现聚灰比(聚合物水泥含量比)与偶联剂、减缩剂及消泡剂掺量均对水泥砂浆的凝结时间影响显著:聚合物 改性水泥砂浆的凝结时间较普通水泥砂浆有所延长,且随着聚灰比的增加而增大,但增长程度越来越小;随着3种 外加剂掺量的增加凝结时间均表现出增大的现象,但增长速率随聚灰比的增加而减弱,聚灰比的影响程度高于外 加剂;无水酒精作为偶联剂稀释剂时使聚合物改性水泥砂浆凝结时间顺延程度加剧.从凝结时间考虑,最优的聚 合物和外加剂接量如下:聚灰比0.1,消泡剂3%c 偶联剂为3%,减缩剂宜≤2%.最后对以上3种外加剂的作用机 理做了探讨. [关键词]建筑材料;砂浆;聚合物水泥砂浆;外加剂:凝结时间;聚灰比;试验研究 [中图分类号]TU526.812 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)03-0079-06 Effect of Admixtures on Setting Time of Polymer Modified Cement Mortar Feng Hu' Gao Danying' Xu Hongtao2 Zhao Liangping' (1.Department of Civil Engineering Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou He'nan 450001 China; 2.Zhengzhou Unirersity Multi-functional Design and Research Academy Zhengzhou He'nan 450001 China) Abstract:An experimental study on the relativity between polymer cement ratio silence coupling agent defoamer shrinkage reducing admixture and the setting time of polymer modified cement mortar was carried out.The results show that the influence of polymer cement ratio coupling agent defoamer and shrinkage reducing admixture content on the setting time is significant.Compared with ordinary cement mortar the setting time of polymer cement mortar was extended and increased with the polymer cement ratio inerease but the inerease rate was more and more slow.The setting time increased with the contents of the...