2013年2月上 施工技术 第42卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 31 D01:10.7672/8gj82013030031 外墙岩棉保温板薄抹灰施工技术 王全逵,苑伟松,刘坤 (中建二局第四建筑工程有限公司,天津300457) [摘要]外墙岩棉保温板薄抹灰施工技术是近年来刚刚开始使用的新型外墙保温系统.结合工程实践,为克服普 通岩棉板吸水量大、抗拉强度低及防火性能低等缺点,采用外墙岩棉保温板薄抹灰施工技术,有效解决了该问题. 详细介绍了材料性能、施工工艺及施工要点.结果表明,该技术的应用有效降低了造价,减轻了外墙面荷载,取得 了良好的抗裂防护效果. [关键词]保温;岩棉板;网格布;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU761.12 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2013)03-0031-04 Construction of Thin Plastering External Thermal Insulation with Rock Wool Board Wang Quankui Yuan Weisong Liu Kun The Fourth Construction Engineering Company Ltd.of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Tianjin 300457 China) Abstract:Thin plastering external thermal insulation with rock wool board is a new external wall insulation system.Normal rock wool boards have the defects that they absorb a large amount of water and have low tensile strength.The application of thin plastering external thermal insulation with rock wool board successfully solved these problems.The material performance construction process and construction key points are introduced in detail.Engineering practice results show that this construction technology reduced the cost relieved the loads on external walls and obtained good anti-cracking performance. Key words:insulation;rock wool board;mesh;construction 1工程概况 合金外框中空玻璃保温门窗,传热系数 天津经济技术开发区西区西北组团(富士康) ≤2.70W/(m2K) 气密性等级达到国家标准6级 蓝白领公寓项目一期工程一标段位于天津市开发 水平;屋面铺设230mm泡沫混凝土(最薄处),传热 区西区秋实路以西,京津唐高速公路以北.1~11 系数≤0.442W/(m2 K);分隔采暖与非采暖空间的 号楼为住宅,层高3.6m 均为6层,总高度23.1m; 隔墙为200mm厚加气混凝土砌块墙,传热系数≤ 12号楼为...
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