施工技术 2011年7月下 102 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第345期 局部配筋对页岩空心砖墙体抗震性能影响试验研究 陈万山,杨德健2 (1.海军工程大学后指挥与工程系,天津300450;2.天津城市建设学院土木工程系,天津300384) [摘要]作为非承重结构材料,页岩空心砖能够较好地替代黏土砖.但空心砖墙体抗震性能较差,严重影响其在工 程中的应用.局部配筋是提高砌体结构抗震性能的主要方法之一.为研究局部配筋对页岩空心砖墙体抗展性能 的影响,对3种砌筑形式6组墙体进行了低周反复荷载试验.研究了局部配筋对该结构承载力、滞回性能、延性和 耗能能力等方面的影响.研究结果表明:局部配筋不仅可以提高墙体承载力,而且可以显著提高墙体抗震性能和 变形性能. [关键词]砌体;页岩空心砖;承载能力;抗展性能;变形性能 [中图分类号]TU365 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)14-0102-04 Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Shale Hollow Brick Masonry Walls Influenced by Partial Reinforcement Chen Wanshan' Yang Dejian2 (1.Department of Logistics Command and Engineering Navol University of Engineering Tianjin 300450 China; 2.Department of Civil Engineering Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction Tianjin 300384 China) Abstract:Shale hollow bricks can take the place of mon bricks to some extent.But the weak seismic behavior of hollow brick masonry walls affects the application of the hollow bricks in the engineering.Partical reinforcement in the wall can improve the seismic performance of walls.In order to investigate the effect of seismic behavior of this structure the low cyclic reversed lateral loading tests on six pieces of shale hollow brick masonry walls which used three bricklaying patterns have been carried out.The bearing capacity hysteretic charaeteristics ductility and energy dissipation were researched.The result of investigation shows that setting steel reinforcement in the wall not only can improve the bearing capacity of ...