施工技术 2014年3月下 46 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第6期 D01:10.7672/sjs2014060046 屈曲约束支撑与不同结构连接技术研究* 邓松波,王超,李作军,李栋 (中国新兴建设开发总公司,北京100039) [摘要]通过对屈曲约束支撑与不同结构不同连接节点的设计、理论分析、试验验证以及工程实践,对屈曲约束支 撑与钢结构焊接连接节点不同焊接顺序进行研究,找出最合理的节点焊接顺序.针对屈曲约束支撑与混凝土结 构,既有结构连接节点没有可遵循或可参考的连接形式,提出新的节点连接形式并进行理论分析和试验验证.解 决了屈曲约束支撑与钢结构、新建混凝土结构、既有混凝土结构的连接节点问题. [关键词]高层建筑;支撑;节点;焊接;销轴连接 [中图分类号]TU973.13 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)06-0046-04 Research on the Connection of Buckling Restrained Brace with Different Structures Deng Songbo Wang Chao Li Zuojun Li Dong China Xinxing Construction Derelopment General Co. Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:By the different designs theoretical analysis experimental verification and engineering practice of the buckling restrained braces connecting joints with different structures different welding sequence of the connection joints between the buckling restrained braces and steel structures are researched to find the most reasonable joints welding sequence.Because there is no existing connection forms of the connecting joints between the buckling restrained braces and concrete structures a new connection form is put forward and the theory analysis and experimental verification is carried out.The connection problems among the buckling restrained braces steel structures concrete structures and existing concrete structures are solved. Key words:tall buildings;braces;joints;welding;pin connector 0引言 混凝土 可屈服 或砂浆 的钢芯 屈曲约束支撑是由芯板材料、约束芯板材料屈 钢套管 曲的套管和位于芯板材料和套管间的无黏结材料 及填充材料组成的一种支撑构件.这是一种受拉 时同普通支撑,而受压...
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