施工技术 2011年9月下 52 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第349期 山东省博物馆新馆大跨度三维双曲面穹顶 钢结构安装技术 李忠卫,袁伟,徐宏志 (中建八局第二建设有限公司,山东济南250022) [摘要]山东省博物馆新馆屋顶弯顶钢结构坐落在标高34.4m的屋面结构上,星半球台状,跨度64m 高26.9m 其 结构体系分屋面壳体和底部桁架两部分.综合工程安装条件及施工成本,果用高空散装工艺.闸述了钢构件制 作、支撑胎架安装、高空散装工艺及支撑胎架卸载等施工过程.安装就位后,各项指标均满足规范要求,确保了弯 顶钢结构安装质量. [关键词]钢结构;穹顶;拼装;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)18-0052-03 Construction of Steel Structures for Large-span Three-dimensional Hyperbolic Dome in New Shandong Museum Li Zhongwei Yuan Wei Xu Hongzhi (The Second Construction Co.Ltd.of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Ji'nan Shandong 250022 China) Abstract:The steel structures for large-span three-dimensional hyperbolic dome in New Shandong Museum locates on the roof structure in elevation of 34.4m.The hemisphere-shaped steel structure is 64m at span and 26.9m at height which is divided into roof shell structure and bottom truss structure. Combining with assembly conditions and construction investment method of assembly ponents on high-altitude is adopted.Steel ponents making support frames installation assembly on high-altitude and support frames unloading are introduced.After location of the structure all of the reference can meet requirements in standards and the quality of steel structure installation for the dome is ensured. Key words:steel structures;domes;assembly;construction 1工程概况 1300t.如图1所示. 山东省博物馆新馆规划占地约270亩2工程特点及难点 (180000m2) 总建筑面积约82980m2.主体采用 1)钢构件加工难度大结构设计形式新颖,造 钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构,地上5层,南侧檐口 型独特,屋面结构设计为箱形断面双...
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