2016年8月上 施工技术 第45卷第15期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 45 D0I:10.7672/8js2016150045 巨型框架结构地脚锚栓群装配整体式安装技术 王宏1,马义俊1,翟海雁1 2 3,彭明祥4,邵新字1,刘海,赵思远1 (1.中建钢构有限公司,广东深例)518040;2.清华大学土木工程系,北京100084; 3 中国建就工程总公司技术中心,北京101399;4,中建三局集团有限公司,北京100097) [摘委]舒对压型框架建筑栓群的精度控制难和起吊任务繁重等安装向题,提出一种新型装配整体式栓安装 套架及其容装方法,诚方法的自造应拉术具有现操作性强、安全性高、构造简单、传构稳团、可实现高精度定位, 短时间内实现了密集高强锚栓群的容装行业,短工期同时严梅保证栓容装精度,取得了转好的实际应用效果. [关键询]高居建;安装;地脚栓;框架结构;装配整体式 [中图分类号]TU375.4 [献标识码]A[交章编号]1002-8498(2016)15-0045-05 An Assemble Monolithic Installation Technology of Anchor Bolts in Mega Frame Structures Wang Hong' Ma Yijun' Qu Haiyan.2.3 Peng Mingxiang Shao Xinyu' Liu Hai' Zhao Siyuan' (1.China Construction Steel Structure Co.Ld.Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China;2.Department of Ciuil Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China;3.China State Construction Engineering Corporation Technology Center Beijing 101399 China:4.China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co.Lad.Beijing 100097 China) Abstract:For precision control of mega frame building anchor bolt group and lifting tasks such as heavy installation problems a new assembled integral type anchor bolt mounting bracket and installation method are put forward.The method of adaptive techniques with strong field operability high safety simple structure stability is introduced achieving high positioning accuracy and shortening period of time of the dense construction high strength bolt group installation which ensures anchor bolt installation accuracy and satisfactory results are a...
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