2011年7月上 施工技术 第40卷第344期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 35 平姚某基坑土钉墙支护施工监测分析 张国超,侯智勇 (平煤建工集团有限公司土建处,河南平顶山467000) [摘要]对平姚某基坑土钉墙施工过程采取了有效的监测手段,通过对监测数据进行分析,及时发现了局部土体开 裂,对裂缝产生的原因进行了分析并及时采取了设置拉结筋、加大注浆压力等有效的加固措施阻止了裂缝的发展, 使位移收敛点在预期时间内.监测结果表明,基坑位移存在一定的滞后效应,监测工作应持续到结构稳定之后. [关键词]深基坑支护;土钉墙;施工监测;水平位移;沉降位移 [中图分类号]TU413.62 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)13-0035-03 Construction Monitoring Analysis of Soil Nailing Wall Support of Some Engineering in Pingyao Zhang Guochao Hou Zhiyong Construction Department of Pingmei Construction Engineering Group Co.Ltd.Pingdingshan He'nan 467000 China) Abstract:Effective monitoring measures are adopted in some soil nailing wall support engineering in Pingyao.Based on analysis of monitoring data local soil crack is found in time and the reason is analyzed.Some measures as setting tie bars and increasing grouting pressure are taken to make displacement convergence point in expected time and prevent crack development.The monitoring results show that there is hysteresis effect in foundation excavation displacement and monitoring work should be kept on until the structure stable. Key words:deep foundation excavation support;soil nailing wall;construction monitoring;horizontal displacement;subsidence displacement 1工程概况 定性为前提,既考虑边坡整体稳定性,又考虑施工过 本工程为平姚输煤通道火车卸煤楼及1号转运 程中的稳定性.因此喷射混凝土面层均按构造要求 站联合建筑,基坑上口全长230m 两端的1号转运 设计,厚度100mm 平台以下喷射120mm厚混凝土, 站基坑和皮带张紧上口尺寸35.5m×35.5m 中间 混凝土强度等级为C25 内配1层钢筋网和12通 长170m的通道上口宽26m 设计开挖深度12.21m 长菱形加强筋.土钉采用25Ⅱ级螺纹钢,如图1 基坑两端的局部开挖深度19.50m 周围无重要的建 所示.土钉孔径1...