2011年12月下 施工技术 第40卷第355期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 21 平安国际金融中心深基坑支护技术 赵行立 (深圳市地质局,广东深圳518000) [摘要]平安国际金融中心设计为5层地下室,基坑深32m.基坑周边环境非常复杂,开挖支护难度极大.结合工 程地质条件及地下水情况,采用支护桩内支撑周边封闭式止水帷幕的支护方案.并对地表沉降及位移、建筑 物及地下管线变形、地下水位、桩顶位移、土体沉降、支撑轴力及立柱变形等进行监测.通过分析监测成果进一步 指导施工,以保证基坑及周边建筑安全. [关键词]地下工程;超深基坑;支护;监测 [中图分类号]TU473 [文献标识码]A[文章墙号]1002-8498(2011)24-0021-05 Supporting of Super-deep Foundation Excavation of Ping'an International Financial Center Zhao Xingli Geological Bureau of Shenzhen' Shenzhen Guangdong 518000 China) Abstract:Ping'an International Financial Center is designed with 5-floors basement and the depth of foundation excavation is 32m.The surrounding environment of the foundation excavation is very plicated.The retaining method of support piles and internal supporting with surrounding waterproof curtains is adopted.Moreover some parameters are monitored to provide guidance for construction and ensure safety of surrounding buildings such as the surface settlement and displacement deformation of buildings and underground pipelines underground water levels displacement of pile top soil settlement supports axial stress and vertical columns deformation. Key words:underground;super-deep foundation excavation;supporting;monitoring 1工程概况 表1场地主要岩土层参数 平安国际金融中心项目总投资90亿元,工程用 Table 1 Parameters of fleld soil 地面积18931m2 总建筑面积460665m2 为超高层 土层 层厚/重度/粘聚力/内摩擦摩阻力/ 办公楼,塔楼地面以上高588m 115层,目前为中国 名称 m(kNm-3)kPa 角/()kPa 第一高楼.设有5层地下室,基坑开挖深度32m. ①人工填土 4.76 17.0 10 8 40 该基坑周边环境相当复杂,位于深圳市福田中心区. ②粉质黏土 3.32 16.0 10...
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