施工技术 2014年12月下 54 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第24期 D01:10.7672/sgjs2014240054 建筑企业风险控制能力评价指标体系分析* 吕宁华,刘玉强2,王培见2 (1.哈尔滨理工大学荣成学院,山东荣成264300;2.荣成九州工程监理有限公司,山东荣成264300) [摘要]合理分担风险是保障工程施工顺利进行、实现合同目标的重要措施.针对理论研究和实践操作中缺乏实 现风险分担的方法,通过对建筑企业施工风险重新界定与归类,在分析可控风险成因与特征的基础上,利用系统功 能分析方法提炼建筑企业风险控制能力要素,根据评价指标体系建立的原理,结合工作分解结构方法,确定建筑企 业施工风险控制能力评价指标体系,用以评价建筑企业对施工风险的控制能力,进而以建筑企业对施工风险控制 能力作为项目开发商与建筑企业间确定风险分担的直接依据. [关键词]项目管理;施工风险;风险分担;可控风险;风险控制能力;评价指标体系 [中图分类号]TU71;F224.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)24-0054-04 Analysis on Evaluation Index System of Risk Controllable Capability of Construction Enterprises LǚNinghua' Liu Yuqiang2 Wang Peijian2 (1.Harbin University of Science and Technology Rongcheng Campus Rongcheng Shandong 264300 China: 2.Rongcheng Jiuzhou Engineering Supervision Co.Ltd.Rongcheng Shandong 264300 China) Abstract:For the proper execution and pletion of the construction contracts the reasonable risk allocation is an essential issue.There are lacks of method to allocate the risk between owners and contractors in both theory and practice the thesis redefined and reclassified the risk of construction in the contracts on the basis of analyzing causes and characters of controllable risks then the risk control capability factors of construction enterprise were refined.Based on the principle of evaluation index system and the method of work breakdown structure the thesis designed the evaluation index system of construction enterprise risk control capability which can be used to evaluate ...
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