施工技术 2014年8月下 74 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第16期 D0I:10.7672/5j52014160074 建筑建造能耗分析* 许伟,徐伟,李帼昌 (沈阳建筑大学土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110168) [摘要]随着世界能源危机的加剧,节能成为人们日益关注的焦点.在住宅建筑全生命周期能耗研究中,建筑物建 造能耗的计算是必不可少的.我国目前研究的主要内容是建筑的运行能耗,对建筑建造能耗的研究相对较少.结 合国内外文献,将建筑建造能耗分为施工初始能耗、施工配套设施能耗以及废弃物处理能耗3部分,对3部分进行 了分析与计算. [关键词]绿色建筑;能耗;施工;内含能;分析 [中图分类号]TU723.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)16-0074-04 Analysis of Buildings Construction Energy Consumption Xu Wei Xu Wei Li Guochang (School of Civil Engineering Shenyang Jianzhu University Shenyang Liaoning 110168 China) Abstract:As the world energy crisis is intensified energy saving has bee the focus of people increasingly.In the study of the whole life-cycle energy consumption of residential building the calculation of construction energy consumption is necessary.Operational energy consumption of buildings is a major object of our country nowadays while the study of construction energy consumption is relatively few.Combining with domestic and foreign literature construction energy consumption can be divided into three parts:construction initial energy consumption energy consumption of supporting facilities and energy consumption of the waste disposal.The analysis and calculation of three parts are done. Key words:green buildings;energy consumption;construction;embodied energy;analysis 建筑能耗有广义和狭义两种定义,狭义建筑1施工初始能耗的定义 能耗是指:建筑物在日常使用过程中所消耗的能 建筑物在建造过程中需要消耗大量的建筑材 源,也就是建筑物运行能耗.目前我国的研究主要 料、使用许多运输和施工机械(如起重机、卡车、搅 集中在狭义能耗.广义能耗是指:建筑材料的生产 拌机等),建筑材料生产和运输过程中需要消耗大 和运输、建筑物施工及建筑物日常使用过程中...
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