2010年11月 施工技术 第39卷第11期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 113 建筑虚拟技术在东亚运动会场馆 建设中的应用与实践 黄江,龚锐生,王浩然,王勇 (中国建筑工程(香港)有限公司,香港) [摘要]将军澳45区运动场馆建设作为香港政府重点项目发展计划之一,亦是2009年东亚运动会田径项目主比赛 场地,项目将建筑虚拟施工技术应用到该工程的方案设计、施工图设计和现场施工的各环节,借助建筑虚拟模型实 验室(construction virtual prototyping laboratory. CVPL) 在虚拟环境中实现2D图纸到3D模型的转换,准确预测了设 计图纸中存在的问题,对关键施工方案的合理性进行评估,成功地解决了在该项目中存在的技术难题,并取得了良 好的经济和社会效益. [关键词]虚拟现实技术;3D模型;工程施工:设计优化 [中图分类号]TU717 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)11-0113-03 Implementation and Practice of Construction Virtual Prototyping Technology in Sport Stadium Project for East Asia Games (Hong Kong)2009 Huang Jiang Gong Ruisheng Wang Haoran Wang Yong China State Construction Engineering Hong Kong)Co.Lid.Hong Kong China) Abstract:As one of the major public development projects of Hong Kong government the General Purpose Sports Stadium had taken the task of athletics of the East Asian Games 2009.The technique of construction virtual prototyping was successfully applied into the project on planning drawing and construction.By the aid of the construction virtual prototyping laboratory CVPL) the translation from 2D drawing to 3D model was realized in virtual environment the problems in design drawings were predicted accurately the rationality of key construction technology was estimated and lots of technical problems existing in the project were solved successfully.Significant financial and social benefits were attained. Key words:virtual reality technology 3D prototyping;construction project;optimization design 0前言...
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