施工技术 2013年6月上 122 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第11期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013110122 开洞加劲钢板剪力墙的力学性能研究* 赵剑丽,段清星,赵伟 (浙江交通职业技术学院路桥学院,浙江杭州311112) [摘要]针对深圳梅山苑7号楼钢板剪力墙上开洞问题,对开洞闭口加劲钢板剪力墙进行了有限元研究,给出了不 同开洞位置和不同开洞率钢板剪力墙荷载侧移曲线,分析了开洞位置和开洞率对初始刚度、屈曲荷载和极限荷载 的影响.研究表明,中间开洞对钢板剪力墙刚度和极限承载力影响较大,可以采用线性公式计算开洞对钢板剪力 墙初始刚度、屈曲荷载和极限荷载的折减. [关键词]钢板剪力墙;加劲肋;刚度;极限承载力 [中图分类号]TU392.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)11-0122-04 Mechanical Properties of Stiffened Steel Plate Shear Walls with Opening Zhao Jianli Duan Qingxing Zhao Wei Department of Road and Bridge Zhejiang Institute of Communication Hangzhou Zhejiang 311112 China) Abstract:With respect to the openings in the steel plate shear walls SPSWS)of No.7 building of Meishanyuan in Shenzhen the behaviour of closed stiffened steel plate shear wall with opening was studied with finite element method.The load-displacement relationships of the shear walls were obtained for different opening positions and opening ratios.The effect of opening positions and opening ratios on the initial stiffness buckling resistance and ultimate resistance of the steel plate shear walls was analyzed.The result shows that steel plate shear walls experience a progressive reduction in stiffness and strength with an increase of the opening size.The reduction factors for initial stiffness elastic buckling load and ultimate bearing capacity of steel plate shear walls can be calculated by linear formulas. Key words:steel plate shear walls;stiffener;stiffness;ultimate bearing capacity 为满足建筑功能要求,需在...