2016年7月上 施工技术 第45卷第13期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 75 D0I:10.7672/js2016130075 强夯振动监测及安全距离预估 张露露,方勇2 (1.西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安710055;2.陕西省机械施工公司,陕西西安710000) [摘要]在某工程强夯试验阶段进行了地面振动监测,分析地表振速随夯击次数、夯点距离的变化规律,并参照国 家有关标准进行试奔区安全评价.同时,采用非线性回归分析,拟合地表振速与安全距离的负指数函数公式,预估 出该工程强夯施工的安全距离,为安全施工创造了条件. [关键词]强夯:振动;监测;非线性回归分析;安全距离 [中图分类号]TU472.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)13-0075-03 Vibration Monitoring and Safety Distance Forecast of Dynamic Consolidation Construction Zhang Lulu' Fang Yong (1.School of Civil Engineering Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Xi'an Shaanxi 710055 China; 2.Mechanical Engineering Company in Shaanxi Xi'an Shaanxi 710000 China) Abstract:By the field monitoring the regulation of surface vibration varies with tamping number and tamping points distance is analyzed during the test of dynamic paction construction for a project.And the safety of trial ramming area is evaluated with reference to the relevant national standards.At the same time the negative exponential function of the surface vibration speed and safe distance is fitted by nonlinear regression analysis.The safe distance of dynamic paction construction for the project is estimated which creating the conditions for the safe construction. Key words:dynamic paction;vibration;monitoring;nonlinear regression analysis;safe distance 0引言 到场内的滑坡体、危岩体、崩塌、抗震不利地段、地 强夯施工过程中,夯锤重力势能转化为振动能形形状与土层变化等不利因素,试验夯点选于西 量,并以振动波的形式向外传播,引起夯击点及邻 区IB试夯区原地表.强夯采用800OkNm能级,锤 近地表振动,该振动达到一定限值时会发展成为振重40t 落距30m 锤高1.2m. 害,从而影响一定范围的施...