施工技术 2011年1月 63 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第2期 强夯法在湿陷性黄土地基中的应用 夏世龙,李利侠,陈惠芳2,杨春明3,陶景涛3,洪敏4 (1.中铁建工集团,北京100070:2.中矿业大学力学与建筑工程学,江徐州221196: 3.中图新保优建设总公司四公司,北京100096:4,北京城建地铁地基市工程有限公司,北京102209) [盈]强务法是在童实法基础上发展超来的,具有工期短、费用低、旋果墨薯等优点.由子地质森,在施工 前必通边场试,确定其用性和处理果.通过黄河尼那庄岸到模工程实例,分析了务法和关试的结 果,确定和技术参数,实践证明得秀法是处理湿陷性美土地基较经清合理的方法. [关键词]强夯法:湿陶陷性黄土:夯点:承载力:击散 [中图分类TU753.1 [献标识码]A [交章编号]1002-8498(2011)02-0063-03 Application of Dynamic Compaction Method in Collapsible Loess Foundation Xia Shilong' Li Lixia' Chen Huifang Yang Chunming' Tao Jingtao Hong Min* (1.China Raileay Construction Engineering Group Beijing 100070 China: 2.School of Mechanics Civil Engineering China Unirersity of Mining and Technology Xuzhou Jiangsu 221196 China: 3.4th Company of China Xinxing Baoxin Construction Corporation Beijing 100096 China: 4.Beijing Urban Construction Subcay Foundation Municipal Engineering Co.Ltd.Beijing 102209 China) Abstract:The dynamic paction is based on hammer paction method foundation which has the advangtages of shorter construction period low cost significantly and effect etc.Because the geological is plex in-site test should be done before construction to determine the applicability and treatment effect.Based on the left bank assistant dam of Yellow River project in Nina examples the dynamic paetion method relevant test results are analyzed to determine the related technical parameters.It proves that dynamic paction is reasonable and an economie method to deal with collapsible...
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