施工技术 2013年1月下 100 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第2期 强夯法施工夯沉量自动监测系统研究 赵民,焦力2,郝胜利,刘来勇1 (1.青岛市察测绘研究院,山东青岛266033; 2.青岛市房地产信息与交易资金监管中心,山东青岛266071) [摘要]夯沉量监测是规范要求而难于实现的关键工序.设计制作了自动监测夯沉量装置,并开发强夯数据库,解 决了强夯作业中的难题.重点介绍了夯沉量自动监测系统的基本原理、基本构成、实验室标定以及数据采集与处 理.同时指出,该系统缺乏辅助的验证措施,需要加强过程识别,完善系统的自动管控功能. [关键词]地基;强夯法;夯沉量;监测;数据采集 [中图分类号]TU472.31 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)02-0100-03 Research on the Automatic Settlement Monitoring System for Dynamic Compaction Method Zhao Min' Jiao Li Hao Shengli' Liu Laiyong' (1.Qingdao Institute of Surveying and Mapping Survey Qingdao Shandong 266033 China; 2.Qingdao City Real Estate Information and Transaction Fund Supervision Center Qingdao Shandong 266071 China) Abstract:Compaction settlement monitoring is a key process that is required by code but difficult to implement.An automatic monitoring device was designed by the authors to monitor the dynamic paction settlement.A database for dynamic paction was also developed to solve this problem. This paper introduced in detail the working principle of the automatic monitoring device its position its laboratory calibration and data collection and treatment.It was also pointed out that due to the lack of auxiliary verification the process identification function and the automatic controlling function of the system should be improved. Key words:foundations;dynamic paction;paction settlement;monitoring;data collection 1SAM系统基本原理 单击夯沉量:△S =(H1-H)△, SAM (settlement quantity automatic monitoring 累计夯沉量:S...
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