施工技术 2011年4月上 24 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOCY 第40卷第338期 微型钢管桩加H型钢支护在某深基坑工程中的应用 张艳芬,莫海军2,叶晓红2 (1 广东科学技术职业学院建工学院,广东珠海519090;2.澳门龙昌建筑工程有限公司,澳门) [摘要]澳门交通局大楼上程设有3层地下车库,与既有娃筑地下车库及市政主干道最小距离仅为1.5m.施工中 采用以219mm微型钢管桃为竖向围护,以H型钢设置水平支撑兼作施工栈桥,开挖面挂网喷浆护壁的支护方法. 对该支护系统进行了受力及变形分析,介绍了施工工艺及监测方法.工程结果表明,该方案较好地解决了开挖边 坡的稳定性问题,保证了既有建筑的安全和正常使用. 【关键词]微型钢管桩;H型钢支推;深基坑:施工监测 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)07-0024-03 Application of Mini Steel Tube Piles and H-beam Support in Some Deep Foundation Excavation Zhang Yanfen' Mo Haijun2 Ye Xiaohong? (1.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology. Zhuhai Guangdong 519090 China:2.Long Cheong Construction Co. Lid.Macao China) Abstract:Macao Department of Transportation Building has three stories of basement which is close to the existing basement and municipal trunk road and the minimum distance is 1.5 meters.Mini steel pipe piles and H-beam support system are adopted in excavation.Stress and deformation analysis are carried out and construction technology and monitoring method are described.Engineering practice shows that the excavation slope stability is well guaranteed and the existing buildings are safe and in normal use. Key words:mini steel tube pile;H-beam support;deep foundation excavation;construction monitoring 澳门老城区是世界上人口最稠密的地区之一,5.51万2.采用钢筋混凝土筏板基础,框架剪力 当地建筑多紧贴用地红线设置地下车库,在施工场墙结构.基坑东西长87m 南北长29m 地面标高 地狭小、对边坡稳定要求极其严格的条件下,基坑支11.86~16.65m 东高西低,最大高差约5m.设 护设计及施工成为工程建设的重点.传统的钢筋混计开挖底标高2.55m 最大开挖深度约14.10m....