2016年11月上 施工技术 第45卷第21期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 49 D0I:10.7672/5gj52016210049 扣件式钢管模架立杆受力对周围杆件的影响* 张贵国,陈辉,牛学超,王天立 (北京工业职业技术学院建筑与测绘工程学院,北京100043) [摘要]通过对6×4跨扣件式钢管模板支架结构中心立杆进行垂直加载试验,测量模架中各杆件上所设点的竖向 位移,分析立杆的加载对周围杆件变形的影响程度.然后用MATLAB7.0编制程序,绘制中心立杆加载时,其周围 杆件的变形曲线,以及模板支架上各测点位移随中心立杆荷载增加而变化的曲线,并对测点位移曲线进行分析比 较,从而得出试验结论. [关键词]模板;支架;立杆;加载;变形 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0049-03 Effect of the Upright Tube in the Steel Tubular Formwork Support with Couplers Under Stress for Bar Around Zhang Guiguo Chen Hui Niu Xuechao Wang Tianli School of Architecture and Surveying and Mapping Beijing Polytechnic College Beijing 100043 China) Abstract:Through the test that the upright tube is uploaded vertically for the center upright tube in the 6 x4 span steel tubular formwork support with couplers survey the vertical displacement of measuring points on the bars in the formwork support analyze effeet for the bar around in the upright tube loading. Then by MATLAB 7.0 programming draw the deformation curve of the bar around while the center upright tube loading and draw the displacement curve of measuring points on the formwork support while the center upright tube loading and the displacement curve of measuring points was pared and analyzed.Thus conclusion was drawn for test. Key words:formwork;supports;upright tube;loading;deformation 1模架立杆受力加载试验 1.1扣件式钢管模板支架搭设方案 选用48×3.6的钢管和连接扣件以及可调托 加载点 撑等,在平面上的长度方向搭设6跨,每跨为 900mm;短向搭设4跨,每跨为900mm.各水平横杆 在模架周边伸出300mm.在立面上共搭设3层,第 050000000000 a模板支架平面...
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