施工技术 2014年10月上 70 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第19期 D01:10.7672/sjs2014190070 扩底灌注桩承载性能机理研究 高长征,王顺利2,赵自东3 (1.华北水利水电大学建筑学院,河南郑州450001;2.匠人规划建筑设计股份有限公司, 河南郑州450000;3.郑州大学土木工程学院,河南郑州450000) [摘要]以巩义市某住宅小区场地为研究背景,分别建立等截面灌注桩和扩底灌注桩的单桩有限元模型并计算、讨 论单桩受力性能.对比同一桩型、不同桩身截面尺寸和不同桩型、同一截面尺寸下的桩端截面应力分布特征,结果 表明,扩底端能够优化桩端截面受力特性,桩身长度和直径比值在(25 30)区间内时桩端截面受力更趋合理;从而 可根据基桩直径选取适宜的桩身长度,然后根据具体工程地质资料选择合适的桩端持力层. [关键词]柱;灌注桩;承载性能;数值模拟;应力 [中图分类号]TU318.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)19-0070-03 Research on the Bearing Capacity Mechanism of Cast-in-situ Bored Pile Gao Changzheng Wang Shunli Zhao Zidong (1.College of Architecture North China Unirersity of Water Resources and Electric Power Zhengzhou He'nan 450001 China;2.Giant Union Design Group Co.Lid.Zhengzhou He'nan 450000 China; 3.School of Civil Engineering Zhengzhou Unizersity Zhengzhou He'nan 450000 China) Abstract:In the context of the geological conditions of a residential in Gongyi city different finite element models of cast-in-situ piles with uniform cross-section and identical cross-section were established for finite element calculations.This paper pared with the pile section stress distribution in two cases the same type of pile but different cross-section size and different types of pile but the same cross-section size.The results show that the expansion of the bottom of the pile cross-section can optimize the force characteristics.When the pile diameter ratio is between 25 and 30 the mechanical behavior of the bottom cross-section is more rea...
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