施工技术 2011年8月上 94 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第346期 拉力型锚索破坏过程试验研究 王永卫,陈从新1,刘秀敏,王群伟2,李群2 (1.中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,湖北武汉430071;2.中国化学工程第十三建设有限公司,河北沧州061000) [摘要]当错索、注浆体和围岩体的强度确定并满足设计要求时,拉力型铺索承载力的发挥主要受控于错固段错杆 体与注浆体界面及注浆体与围岩体界面上的抗剪强度.根据西江特大桥两岸边坡现场锚索的极限抗拔试验确定 错索的破坏荷载,通过计算分析认为注浆体与围岩体界面上的抗剪强度不足是导致错索失效的原因.研究认为, 注浆体与围岩体界面抗剪强度与浆体的抗剪强度、单轴抗压强度、弹性模量以及注浆压力成正比,与注浆材料的水 灰比成反比.拉力型错索在施工时,浆体配制、钻孔、注浆等每一工艺都应该严格控制. [关键词]错索;错周力;界面剪应力;传递机制 [中图分类号]TU753.62;TU475 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)15-0094-04 Research on Failure Progress of Extensional-force-type Anchor Cable Wang Yongwei' Chen Congxin' Liu Xiumin' Wang Qunwei? Li Qun2 (1.Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan Hubei 430071 China; 2.China National Chemical Engineering Thirteenth Construction Co.Lid. Cangzhou Hebei 061000 China) Abstract:When strength of the cable the grouting cement and the rock is determined to satisfy requirements of the designer the load-bearing capacity of the extensional-force-type anchor cable is controlled by shear strength of interface of the cable and grouting cement and the interface of grouting cement and rock.According to on-site ultimate pullout test of the anchor cable of Xijiang Bridge the failure load of the anchor cable is determined.By calculation and analysis the authors think that lack of shear strength of interface of grout and rock is the failure reasons of anchor.According to research and analysis the shear strength of interface of grouting cement and rock is proportional to the ...
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