2010年3月 施工技术 第39卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 5 昆明新机场门形组合桅杆起重机施工技术 杨啸磊,蔡玉龙,戴立先,刘奔',唐际宇2 (1.中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518040;2.中国建筑第八工程局广西分公司,广西南宁530022) [摘要]昆明新机场5、6号钢彩带为324m长的平面连续拱结构,其基座通过倒插柱及铺杆分布于2层两条混凝土 主梁上.该部位具有位于吊装机械盲区、构件超重、外形复杂等特点,自行设计的门形组合枪杆起重机成功解决了 5、6号钢钢彩带基座的吊装难题,高效、经济、优质地完成了吊装区超重节点构件的安装.主要介绍了门形组合 枪杆起重机的设计过程及节点形式,总结了起重机的施工过程. [关键词]昆明新机场;门形组合枪杆起重机;吊装;设计;施工 [中图分类号]TU758.15 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)03-0005-03 Construction Technology of Door-type Derrick Crane in the New Kunming Airport Yang Xiaolei' Cai Yulong' Dai Lixian' Liu Ben' Tang Jiyu? (1.China Construction Steel Structure Corporation Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China; 2.Guangxi Branch of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Nanning.Guangxi 530022 China) Abstract:The No.5 and 6 steel ribbons of the new Kunming Airport with the length 324m are plane continuous arch structure and their basements locate on two main beams of the second floor slab by inverse columns and anchors.Because these basements locate on lifting mechanical blind area and their members are overweight and plicated shape the No.5 and 6 steel ribbons basements are lifted successfully with the self-designed door-type jointed derrick crane.In this article the authors mainly show design process and joints forms of the door-type jointed derrick crane and introduce construction process of the crane. Key words:the new Kunming Airport;door-type jointed derrick crane;installation;design;construction 1工程概况 重枪杆50°时可吊装50且能灵活旋转180°要求设计, 昆明新机场5、6号钢彩带基座单件重约50t 共...
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