2016年9月上 施工技术 第45卷第17期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 127 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2016170127 某会展中心高大模板支撑体系设计与施工* 刘如兵,钱军,金浩2 (1.泰州职业技术学院建筑工程学院,江苏秦州225300;2.中国江苏国际经济技术合作 集团有限公司,江苏南京210008) [摘要]中国医药城会展交易中心二期工程有多处属于高大模板支撑.结合该工程实际情况,借鉴类似工程过往 模板坍塌事故的经验教训,设计出符合工程实际的受力方案,对主要受力构件进行全面验算,并采用有限元进行分 析,采取切实可行的技术措施,加强施工全过程的安全管理,确保了施工安全,并提高了工程质量. [关键词]模板;扣件式钢管支撑;设计;有限元分析;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)17-0127-04 Design and Construction of High and Large Formwork Support System of Some Conference and Exhibition Center Liu Rubing' Qian Jun' Jin Hao2 (1.School of Architecture and Civil Engineering Taizhou Polytechnic College Taizhou Jiangsu 225300 China;2.China Jiangsu International Economic and Technical Cooperation Group Co.Ltd.Nanjing Jiangsu 210008 China) Abstract:High and large formwork support system is used in Phase II project of China Medical City Exhibition Trading Center in bination with the practical situation of the project based on the experience of similar project formworks collapse with the design in accordance with the engineering practice the prehensive calculation of main stress ponents the finite element analysis method is used the feasible technical measures strengthen the construction of the whole process of safety management ensure the construction safety improve engineering quality. Key words:formwork;fastener-style steel pipe supporting frame;design;finite element analysis;construction 随着建筑技术的不断发展,多功能、大空间、大1工程概况及施工特点分析 跨度的混凝土结构体系越来越多,其模板支撑体系 中国医药城(泰州)会展交易中心二...
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