施工技术 2016年11月上 74 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第21期 D0:10.7672/sgj52016210074 某办公教学综合楼屋面预应力钢结构设计及施工技术 贺锋1,刘峰1,王涛2,卓军 (1.工程兵第四设计研究院,北京100850;2.北京市建筑工程研究院有限责任公司,北京100039) [摘要]以某军事学院办公教学综合楼屋面预应力钢结构工程为背景,结合以往的张弦结构设计理论及实践经验, 系统闸述了在屋面结构体系选择和确定过程中应重点考虑的因素,详细描述了结构整体设计分析及局部节点设计 时计算参数选取、极端工况验算、后处理阶段设计指标控制等关键环节.最后根据预应力钢结构体系的特殊性,归 纳总结了施工过程中的一些关键技术,工程的顺利实施验证了本文观点的合理性与可行性. [关键词]钢结构;预应力;屋面;节点;设计;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0074-04 Design and Construction Technology of Prestressed Steel Structures for an Official Working and Teaching Complex Building Roof He Feng' Liu Feng' Wang Tao2 Zhuo Jun' (1.The 4th Engineering Design and Research Academy Beijing 100850 China; 2.Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Co.Lad.Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:Taking the project of prestressed steel structures for official working and teaching plex building roof of a military academy as a background bined with the previous design theory and practical experience it expounded the factors that should be considered during the seleetion and determination of the structure systematically and described the principle of designing and analyzing for overall and local joints of the structure calculation of extreme conditions control of design index at post- processing stage etc.Finally according to the particularity of the prestressed steel structure it summed up some key technologies in the construction process.Smooth implementation of the project verified the feasibility of the ide...
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