2013年4月下 施工技术 第42卷第8期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 107 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013080107 某厂房高位钢梁高大模板支架方案选择与应用 杨谷波1,卢利利2 (1.上海沪闵建筑设计院有限公司,上海201199;2.江苏兴港建设集团有限公司,江苏苏州215004) [摘要]某厂房结构在标高32.80m和36.80m浇筑混凝土结构,用满堂高大模板支架方案施工费工费时,难度大. 经复核优选,充分利用厂房设计混凝土框架结构主梁和楼层双槽钢梁,在标高24.00m的高位上,搭设高8.80m的 高空钢梁模板支架,顺利完成混凝土工程施工,实现了安全施工、节省钢材、节省人工和提前完工的目标.重点介 绍了高位钢梁高大模板支架整体稳定措施,同时对钢梁强度进行验算,均满足使用要求. [关键词]厂房;脚手架;支承;方案选择;应用 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)08-0107-03 Scheme Selection and Application of the Steel Beam Support for the Formwork of a Factory at High Altitude Yang Gubo' Lu Lili? (1.Shanghai Humin Architecture Design Co. Ltd.Shanghai 201199 China; 2.Jiangsu Xinggang Construction Group Co. Lid.Suzhou Jiangsu 215004 China) Abstract:In a factory structure it was required to cast concrete at the altitude of 32.8m and 36.8m. Using full high formwork supports means both time and labor waste as well as construction difficulty.By selection of the construction schemes it was decided to make full use of the framed beams and double channel floor steel beams of the factory structure and set up a steel beam formwork support of 8.8m height at the altitude of 24.00m.The concrete construction was successfully finished with the objectives of safe construction material saving labor saving and reduced construction time achieved.The method to ensure the overall stability of the steel beam formwork support at high altitude is introduced in detail. Steel beam strength was also checked and found to meet the design re...
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