施工技术 2015年2月上 96 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第3期 D0I:10.7672/5js2015030096 某发射工位导流槽绳锯切割拆除技术 刘世斌,杜峰峰,张笈玮 (中国人民解放军63926部队,北京100192) [摘要]某发射工位导流槽为地下大体积钢筋混凝土异形结构,拆除时对邻近建筑物的保护要求严格、同步交叉作 业多,拆除难度大,常规的爆破、机械拆除方法难以满足要求.通过试验、分析,对绳锯切割机械进行了改进,研发 了双发动机同步双轴双轮驱动技术、新型平稳高强螺纹收线装置等多项关键技术和装置,成功解决了该技术难题. [关键词]混凝土;导流槽;大体积混凝土;拆除:绳锯 [中图分类号]TU745.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)03-0096-04 Wire-saw Dismantlement Technology on a Gasflow-guided Channel of Launching Station Liu Shibin Du Fengfeng Zhang Jiwei The 63926 Troop of Chinese People's Liberation Army Beijing 100192 China) Abstract:Gasflow-guided channel of launching station is an underground special-shaped structure of mass concrete and it is very hard to dismantle because of strict requirement on protection for the nearby buildings and a lot of cross-operation at the same time.Dismantled by regular demolition or machinery is unrealistic.Through experiment and analysis the wire-saw machine is improved.This difficult problem is solved by the research and development of multi key technology and device such as synchronous biaxial wheel drive technology new smoothly high-strength thread taking-up device and so on. Key words:concrete;gasflow-guided channel;mass concrete;demolition;wire-saw 1工程概况 在某航天发射场改造工程中,需要在不完全拆 1800 除发射塔的情况下,对发射塔邻近的导流槽构筑物 12140 台阶 30. 进行拆除.导流槽长45.62m 宽10m 深10.87m 1035010870 为大体积钢筋混凝土结构.导流槽主体结构配筋 260016000 18830 790 25 密度大、强度高,钢筋型号大部分为d25和22,混 a导流槽剂面 凝土强度等级为C35:槽内壁、发射台面均为耐火混 凝土,厚度分别为150 300mm:槽底板、槽壁和顶板 厚度均在2m左右.导流槽边缘距离发射塔(塔体 质量约1...