施工技术 2014年11月上 96 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第21期 D01:10.7672/sgjs2014210096 某叶式旋转楼梯施工技术 张明禄1,董毅,张峰2,王力尚3 (1.青建集团股份公司,山东青岛266071;2.青岛品城设计装饰工程有限公司,山东青岛266000; 3.中建中东有限责任公司) [摘要]由于涉及造型及功能的需要,旋转楼梯的设计样式多种多样,给施工带来许多不便,如果支模方法不当,有 时构件的误差不符合规范的规定,而且也不符合设计造型等的要求.结合阿尔及利亚某旋转楼梯工程,采用现浇 式整体浇筑旋转楼梯及其固定轴,改变以往旋转楼梯先浇筑固定中轴柱,后将预制楼梯踏步固定在中轴柱的方法, 既能保证旋转楼梯的整体性,又能使旋转楼梯的外观达到预制的效果,经济、美观,符合业主的要求. [关键词]混凝土;旋转楼梯;叶式;周定轴;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2014)21-0096-03 Construction Technology of Some Leaf Spiral Staircase Zhang Minglu' Dong Yi' Zhang Feng2 Wang Lishang (1.Qingjian Group Co.Lid.Qingdao Shandong 266071 China;2.Qingdao Jingcheng Design and Decoration Co. Ld.Qingdao Shandong 266000 China;3.China State Construction Engineering Corporation Middle East L.L.C.) Abstract:The spiral staircase has many modes because of the need of shape and function so it brings difficulties to construction.If the formwork is supported with improper method the spiral staircase would not meet the requirements of codes and design.Based on some spiral staircase project in Algeria the method pouring the integral spiral stairease and axis is adopted instead of traditional method that pouring the axis column firstly and then fixing the prefabricated stairease.The new method ensures the integrity of spiral staircase and the prefabrication appearance effect with good economic benefits. Key words:concrete;spiral staircase;leaf;axis;construction 1工程概况 行政楼B5段处,共计2个,旋转楼梯从第1层到第 奥兰工学院3000座工程位于阿尔及利亚奥兰2层旋转270°,从第2层到第3层旋转36...
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