2013年8月下 施工技术 第42卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 19 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013160019 某图书馆加固设计与施工 张向东 (河南省建设集团有限公司,河南郑州450002) [摘要]某新建图书馆为5层框架结构,建筑面积13334.85m2 混凝土为现场搅拌,其强度等级达不到设计要求, 为保证使用安全,采取局部拆除返工加大截面法加固和调整使用功能等综合加固方案,对混凝土框架柱、梁、板和 楼梯等构件进行了加固,工程完成后进行了静载实荷试验,并使用探地雷达检测地基缺陷.重点介绍了结构检测、 实荷试验、加固设计和施工等. [关键词]加固;结构试验;设计;施工 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)16-0019-04 Reinforcement Design and Construction of a Library Zhang Xiangdong He'nan Province Construction Group Co.Lad.Zhengzhou He'nan 450002 China) Abstract:The gross area of a new library with five-layer frame structure is 13 334.85m2.Its concrete is mixed on the construction site and the strength grade can not meet the design requirement.In order to ensure safety parts of structure are dismantled and reworked.Besides that lots of prehensive reinforcement plans like section increasing method are used to reinforce ponent such as concrete frame column plate stair and so on.The static load test is done in site and ground-penetrating radar is also used to detect the flaws in the foundation after the project is pleted.Structure detection paction test reinforcement design and construction etc.are mainly analyzed in this article which would accumulate experience for the detection and reinforcement of the concrete frame structure and loading test. Key words:strengthening;testing;design;construction 1工程概况 梯等受力构件混凝土强度等级达不到设计要求 某图书馆为新建工程,建筑面积13334.85m2 (C30) 为提高结构承载力,保证使用安全,对混凝土 混凝土框架结构,独立基础,地上5层,标准层层高 框架柱、梁、板和楼梯板等构件进行了加...