施工技术 2010年3月 66 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第3期 某多层工业厂房楼板振动测试与分析 杜锐 (山西四建集团有限公司,山西大原030012) [摘要]介绍机器振动引起某厂房结构的楼板振动的测试结果,得到动力设各的扰力、频率、现有隔振支座的工作 情况以及楼板强迫振动的响应特点.结果表明,楼板振动仅在振动筛所在的轴线内较大,在水平方向振动衰减较 快而振动在竖直方向有放大的趋势.基于现场测试结果,利用ANSYS有限元软件对4种不同工况下楼板的简谐强 迫振动进行了计算机仿真分析,得到各标高层楼盖结构的振动和传递规律,结合测试结果对楼板振动原因进行了 分析. [关键词]工业厂房;楼板振动;模态分析;有限元分析 [中围分类号]TU311.3 [文献标识码]A 【文章编号]1002-8498(2010)03-0066-04 Vibration Test and Analysis About Some Multi-story Factory Building Floor Du Rui (China Shanxi Sjian Group Co.Lad.Taiyuan Shanxi 030012 China) Abstract:In this article the author shows vibration test results of some factory building floor induced by apparatus vibration.The test obtains disturbing force and frequency of power equipment working conditions of the existing isolation bearing and response of floor vibration.The test results are as follow: floor swing is larger in axis of vibrating screen;the vibration amplitude is damped quickly in horizontal direction and is amplified in vertical direction.According to the test results puter simulations of simple harmonic vibration are carried out corresponding to four vibration cases with ANSYS software. Through parison and analysis the vibration transmitting orderline and characters at each floor and in the vertical direction have been gotten. Key words:factory building;floor vibration model analysis;finite element analysis 振动问题在现代工业生产中普遍存在,振动设构楼板及梁、柱之间的传递及放大规律,特对该结构进 备在运行过程中对厂房产生持续激励,有可能诱发厂行了现场楼板振动测试,以评估该结构楼板的振动量 房结构或构件的强迫共振.如果处理不当,结构振动级及其对结构和工人健康的...