施工技术 2016年8月下 48 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第16期 D01:10.7672/gjs2016160048 某大型地下室结构上浮拱起工程事故分析与处理 贾益纲,费逸2,吴光字,王惠宾,欧阳斌3,袁志军 (1.南大学设升研究院,江西南330029;2.同济大学土本工程学院,上海200092; 3.江五方建就设计有限公司,江西精州341000) [描要]根据上浮拱起数对菜地下室所遇最高水位进行了数值推算,并结含场地地质条件、施工情况和结构裂缝 性状等进行了地下室结构拱起和裂健原因分析;研究衬论了两种抗浮处理方略,并通过空间结构弹塑性简化分析 确定了整体抗浮和结构加处理方. [关键词]地下室;上浮拱起:翠继;弹塑性分析;抗浮;加 [中图分类马]TU746.3 [交献标识弱]A[支章编号]1002-8498(2016)16-0048-05 Analysis and Processing on Up-floating Arch Accident of a Basement Structure Jia Yigang' Fei Yi Wu Guangyu' Wang Huibin' Ouyang Bin Yuan Zhijun (1.Insititute of Design and Research Nanchang Unirersity Nanchang Jiangxi 330029 China; 2.College of Civil Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China: 3.WuFang Architectural Design(Jiangxi)Co. Lud.Ganzhou Jiangxi 341000 China) Abstract:According to the floating arch data the highest water level of basement is studied by numerical calculation in this text and bining with geological conditions construction and characters of cracks the arching of basement structure and crack reason is analyzed.The two kinds of anti-floating treatment strategy are discussed and through the simplified analysis of spatial elastic-plastic structure the program of structure reinforeement and the overall anti-floating are determined. Key words:basement floating arch;cracks;elastic-plastic analysis;anti-floating;reinforcement 地下水作用及地下室抗浮已是建筑工程界常 本文针对某大型地下室结构上浮事故,在空间 遇的技术问题.加果地质勘察建议的地下室抗浮结构弹塑性有限元分析的基础上,进行原因分析、 水位取值不含理、设计不周、施工不当或使用不善,受损构件析与加固处理,探讨地下室抗浮事故分 都可能发生地下室上...