施工技术 2010年4月 74 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第4期 某大型工业厂房屋面PVC防水施工技术 刘建明 (陕西建工集团第二建筑工程有限公司,陕西宝鸡721000) [摘要]通过某飞机总装厂房工程20976m2屋面防水层施工实例,介绍了轻型屋面系统PVC卷材防水层的施工准 备、施工操作工艺流程、质量保证措施和施工注意事项,保证了屋面施工质量.指出PVC卷材铺贴前需进行预铺; 卷材铺贴好后,在长边一侧用塑料铺固件与保温层和结构层连接圆定;PVC卷材搭接缝采用热风焊接方式.同时 给出了女儿墙根部和落水口处防水节点做法. [关键词]屋面防水;PVC卷材;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU765 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)04-0074-02 Construction Technology of PVC Waterproof for Roof in Some Large Industrial Building Liu Jianming The Second Engineering Co.Lad.of Shaansi Construction Engineering Group Co.Baoji Shaansi 721000 China) Abstract:Taking construction of waterproof for roof in some large industrial building with area 20 976m2 for example the construction preparation construction technology process quality assuring measures and attention points of construction for PVC coiled material waterproof layer are introduced which guarantee the construction quality of roof.It is indicated that pre-pavement should be done for PVC coiled material the coiled material should be fixed with insulation layer and structural layer after pavement and connection joint of PVC coiled material is treated by hot blast welding.Furthermore waterproof joints practices for parapet root and water dropping opening are put forward. Key words:roof waterproof;PVC coiled material;construction technology 1工程概况 焊接施工 一PVC卷材防水层 120厚岩棉保温板 西安飞机工业(集团)有限公司369号飞机总装厂前要对自动焊 0.3厚隔气层 0.8V125型压型钢板 房工程为单层厂房,总建筑面积26966m2 横向跨度接机和手持式 保通板垫片 件 热风焊 77.8m 纵向长度260m 屋面总面积20976m2.屋盖结焊枪进行检 构为三层斜放四角锥网架,屋面采用H型钢主榛...