2017年7月下 施工技术 第46卷第14期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 79 D0I:10.7672/5j52017140079 某大型美术馆钢结构施工关键技术 成继红,刘明路,何月峰,韩向科,张建生,王馥琴 (中国二十冶集团有限公司,上海201999) [摘要]大同市御东新区美术馆钢结构工程,为空间管桁架结构,形状复杂.主体由4个异形三角锥体相切而成, 高度、跨度大.施工时采用了“异地原位拼装、计算机控制一次整体同步滑移到位”的施工技术.通过施工过程仿 真分析验证了该施工技术的可行性,对钢结构进行了拼装过程状态、同步及不同步滑移状态、卸载等施工状态进行 了分析.同时在施工过程中进行了施工实时监测,为结构的安全施工提供了保障. [关键词]钢结构;桁架;滑移;仿真分析;监测;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU391 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)14-0079-04 Key Technology of Steel Structure Construction of a Large Art Gallery CHENG Jihong LIU Minglu HE Yuefeng HAN Xiangke ZHANG Jiansheng WANG Fuqin China MCC20 Group Co.Ltd.Shanghai 201999 China) Abstract:Datong Yudong Art Gallery project is located in Datong city Shanxi province with the plexity of roof shape and space pipe truss structure.The main body consists of four irregular tangent triangle cones especially great height and big span.During the construction the technology of 'assembly in different place according to design coordinate then sliding to the design place synchronously through puter control'was used.The feasibility of construction technology was verified through the analysis of construction process simulation and the steel structure of the assembling process synchronous and asynchronous state sliding state the unloading construction state were analyzed.At the same time the construction of real-time monitoring was conducted in the construction process which provide the guarantee for the safety of construction structure. Key words:steel structures;trusses...
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