2010年12月 施工技术 第39卷第12期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 105 某大悬挑钢框架受力性能有限元分析 彭海雁,许宁2,陈富仲2,唐嵩2,李平2,陆通3 (1.长沙理工大学土木与建筑学院,湖南长沙410004;2.中国建筑第五工程局有限公司,湖南长沙410004; 3.武汉精工股份有限公司,湖北武汉430023) 【摘要]对某工程大悬挑钢框架进行有限元分析,利用Shell181和Solid92单元分别建模,一种设置横向加劲板,另 一种设置纵横向加劲和节点加腋.介绍了模型单元划分、荷载及边界条件等,描述框架在荷载作用下应力、应变及 变形的发展过程,并将试验结果与有限元分析结果进行比较.在此基础上,对大悬挑钢框架的设计、工厂加工、现 场吊装及施工监控提出一些建议.指出纵横向加劲肋以及节点处加腋对提高框架整体、局部稳定性有很大作用. [关键词]大悬挑钢框架;非线性有限元;模型试验;极限承载力 [中图分类号]TU311.41 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)12-0105-03 Finite Element Analysis on Mechanical Performance of Some Large Cantilever Steel Frame Peng Haiyan' Xu Ning2 Chen Fuzhong? Tang Song? Li Ping? Lu Tong' (1.School of Cisil Engineering and Architecture Changsha University of Seience Technology Changsha Hu'nan 410004 China; 2.China Construction Fifth Engineering Dirision Co.Ld.Changsha Hu'nan 410004 China; 3.Wuhan Seiko Co.Ltd.Wuhan.Hubei 430023 China) Abstract:Some large cantilever steel frame is analyzed by FEM in which Shell181 and Solid92 units are applied for modeling.In this engineering analysis one is set transverse stiffened plates and one is set longitudinal and transverse stiffening and joint haunch.The element division for model loading and boundary conditions are introduced and the developments of stress strain and deformation for frame under loading are described.Moreover experimental and FEM results are pared.On the base of them some suggestions about design manufacturing hoisting and monitoring of large cantilever steel frame are proposed.It is poi...