2014年11月下 施工技术 第43卷第22期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 91 D0I:10.7672/5j52014220091 某宿舍楼接建设计与施工 李志通,袁晓文,姜波 (石家庄铁路职业技术学院,河北石家庄050041) [摘要]某宿舍楼进行接建改造,将南面凹阳台改为卧室.设计中加强新旧结构之间的连接,由于紧邻其他建筑, 施工场地狭小等因素,要求接建工程基础埋深浅于原基础,落在素填土上,采用素混凝土桩进行地基处理.采用降 低基底附加应力、适当提高复合地基承载力等措施减小接建工程的沉降量、不均匀沉降,取得了良好的效果.接建 工程需要设计人员充分了解原建筑状况,同时考虑施工的可行性进行设计. [关键词]接建工程;设计;施工;刚性桩;地基处理;连接 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)22-0091-03 Design and Construction of the Additional Dormitory Building Li Zhitong Yuan Xiaowen Jiang Bo Shijiazhuang Institute of Railway Technology Shijiazhuang Hebei 050041 China) Abstract:A dormitory building was expanded with the south recessed balconies be transformed into bedroom.The connection between the existing and the new structure were strengthened in design. Because of locating adjacent to the other buildings so the construction site is narrow.Because of the narrow construction site and other factors the foundation of construction engineering was needed to be buried shallower than the original foundation which was sit in the plain fill.This needed to ground treatment with plain conerete pile.The authors reduced settlement and uneven settlement of extension engineering by reducing the base additional stress improving the ground bearing capacity of posite foundation and other measures which achieved good results.Construction engineering designers need to fully understand the original building conditions and consider the feasibility of design and construction. Key words:additional en...
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