施工技术 2016年9月上 56 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第17期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2016170056 某工程CFG桩复合地基设计及施工* 肖航,曹丹 (成都纺织高等专科学校建筑工程学院,四川成都611731) [摘要]根据北京某高层住宅地基处理实例,对比了级配换填、素混凝土换填和CF桩3种处理方案,经综合比较, 选择CFG桩复合地基处理方案.介绍了地基承载力确定、CFG桩施工技术及CFG桩复合地基承载力检测技术. 实践证明,主体结构封顶时,主体结构平均沉降在8mm以内,满足要求,且地基处理造价降低50%,经济效益显著. [关键词]地基;CFG桩;静载试验;沉降监测;设计;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)17-0056-04 Design and Construction Technology of Composite Foundation with CFG Piles for Some Engineering Xiao Hang Cao Dan School of Civil Engineering Chengdu Textile institute Chengdu Sichuan 611731 China) Abstract:Taking foundation treatment of some high-rise house in Beijing as an example this paper contrasts three treatment schemes including gradation changing and filling plain concrete changing and filling CFG piles the treatment scheme of posite foundation with CFG piles is selected after prehensive parison.This paper introduces the determination of foundation bearing capacity construction technology of CFG piles and bearing capacity detection technology of posite foundation with CFG piles.Engineering practice shows that the average settlement value of the main structure is within 8mm when the main structure caps which meets the requirement the foundation treatment cost reduces 50% the economic benefit is obvious. Key words:foundations;CFG piles;static load test;settlement monitoring;design;construction 1工程概况 2地基处理方法对比选择 本工程位于北京市房山区,由4栋板式高层住2.1工程地质概况 宅楼、1栋商业配套及1层地下车库组成(见图1). 拟建场地25.0m深度范围内的地层按沉积年 本...
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