2011年5月上 施工技术 第40卷第340期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 65 某工程大跨空间网架整体提升施工技术 赵俊亮,王永梅 (江东南网架股份有限公司,粥江杭州311209) [摇要]针对西飞公司369导厂房的大面、大跨度的结构骑点和施工难度,详细命绍了整体提升、支撑体系设置, 提升平台设计、负载转移,提升下吊点设重等关键技术及唯点,并通过对施工全过程有限元仿真分析表明,诚术 高、舍理,保证了工程质量和施工全,实了网架各吊点回步提升和卸戴落值. [关键词]网架:整体提升:连撑体系:提升平台设计:下吊盘设置 [中密分类号]TU758 [立献标识码]A [立章编号]10028498(2011)09-0065-04 Integral Lifting Construction Technology for the Long-span and Large-area Space Grid Structure in Some Project Zhao Junliang Wang Yongmei (Zhejiang Southeast Lattice Frame Co.Ltd.Hangzhou Zhejiang 311209 China) Abstract:Based on the struetural characteristics and construction difficulties of the large-area and long- span for the No.369 powerhouse of Avie Xian Aireraft Industry Company Ltd.the key construction technology and difficulties for the integral lifting supporting system designing of lifting platform load transfer and the setting of lower anchoring point etc.are described in detail.At the same time FEA simulation analysis on the whole construction process shows that the construction technology is efficient and rational.As a result the engineering quality and construction safety are guaranteed and synchronous lifting and unloading for each lifting point are attained. Key words:grid:integral lifting:supporting system:design of lifting platform:setting of lower anchoring point 集群千斤顶液压整体提升技术是近年来在戒国土柱,柱顶标高除机库大门侧为21外,其余为 施工行业通步发展起来的新兴大型构件整体容装技26m.整个屋面网架自重约1967t. 术,多采用“钢纹线悬接承重、液压提升千厅顶集2工程特点及雅点 群、计算机控制同步”的方法.由于该技术的巨大 结构施工难点主要色括以下几方面:①通过对 提升能力及优越性能,到工程界的广泛关注,并...