2010年9月 施工技术 第39卷第9期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 75 某工程预应力抗浮锚杆施工工艺改进 李启东,郑委,姜孝芳,姚永权 (威海建设集团股份有限公司,山东威海264200) [要]威海市民支化中心工程采用筏够基础,工程性海,地下水位较高,设计有预应力抗浮器料.为解决提高 杆抗拔我力、偶证节点防水施工展量而个和五美联的施工难题,队施工工艺进、多专业施工配含、全过程 术控制角度,介了预应力抗浮科成套施王新技术,保证了抗浮猫杆抗拔柔我力和节点防水故果. [关键询]预应力抗浮锚杆:抗拔承载力:防水:施工工艺 [中分类]TU753.1 [献标识弱]A [章编]10028498(2010)09-0075-03 Improved Construction Technology of Prestressed Anti-floating Anchor in Some Project Li Qidong Zheng Wei Jiang Xiaofang Yao Yongquan Weihai Construction Group Co.Lad.Weihai Shandong 264200 China) Abstract:Raft foundation is designed in Weihai Public Cultural Center.The project locates in coastal area therefore prestressed anti-floating anchors are designed to prevent too large buoyancy caused by underground water.A new set of construction technology for prestressed anti-floating anchors is introduced from construction process improving multi profession cooperation and whole process control in order to solve associated difficulties of improving bearing capacity of prestressed anti-floating anchors and ensuring waterproof quality of joints.It proves that the new construction technology ean ensure anti- pulling capacity of prestressed anti-floating anchors and waterproofing effects of joints. Key words:prestressed anti-floating anchor:anti-pulling capacity:waterproof:construction process 目前工程中广泛应用的抗浮技术有抗拔裤和抗拔钢网架结梅,外墙多为破端暴墙,局部为干挂石材,为威 摇杆两种,其中抗拔的抗拔承载力较高,但成本也较海市标志性建筑.地下宣设有交物含等重要场所,防 高:抗拔错杆承载力相对低一些,成本也低得多,但其 水等级为I级,采用4mm厚聚氨酯防水涂料.由于工程 施工技术并不是很成熟.本交研究在不大幅度增加成 邻近海边,地下水位...
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