2017年4月上 施工技术 第46卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D01:10.7672/sgjs2017070007 某巨型厂房钢网壳结构施工过程分析 游桂模,周观根,孙佳佳 (浙江东南网架股份有限公司,浙江杭州311209) [摘要]以某巨型厂房钢网壳结构作为研究对象,采用MIDAS Gen8.26软件进行网壳安装全过程仿真分析,包括 提升过程受力分析、临时水平拉索索力分析、网壳结构施工过程抗风分析、提升架及拉索卸载分析等.分析结果对 施工方案优化与辅助设施的设计提供可靠依据. [关键词]钢结构;膜结构;拱形网壳;仿真分析;拉索;抗风分析 [中图分类号]TU392.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)07-0007-04 Analysis of Construction Process for Latticed Shell Structure in a Huge Workshop YOU Guimo ZHOU Guan'gen SUN Jiajia (Zhejiang Southeast Space Frame Co.Ltd.Hangzhou Zhejiang 311209 China) Abstract:Taking the steel lattice shell structure of a huge workshop for the research object by using MIDAS/Gen8.26 software lattice shell installation process simulation analysis was studied.The research content included force analysis in lifting process temporary cable's force analysis wind resistance analysis support brace and cable's unloading analysis.Analysis results provide reliable basis for optimizing scheme and design of the auxiliary facilities. Key words:steel strctures;membrane structures;arch lattice shell;finite element analysis;cables;wind resistance analysis 1工程概况 某双层拱形网壳结构(见图1),总用钢量约 9300t.结构长280m 宽150m 高120m.标高 64.237m以上为弧形网壳结构,标高28.000m以下 150m 280m 部分为圆管桁架,采用插人式柱脚;标高28.000- a建筑效果 b结构示意 75.000m为平板网架,平板网架倾角为7°.门框结 构顶标高120.000m 85.000m标高以下为双层网 图1某巨型网壳厂房 壳,网壳厚度5.84m;85.000m标高处设置门顶桁架 Fig.1 Mega-lattice shell industry building 梁,外挑20.2m.门顶桁架梁至拱顶区域为门头网 和图3所示,通过逐步外扩拼装,提升点置换,逐步 架,门头网架厚5.4m.山墙为焊接球网架结构,范 提升.安装过程如下:①第1单元在拼装平台上拼 围从地面直至结构顶部. 装完成,水平临...