2016年8月下 施工技术 第45卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 43 D0I:10.7672/8js2016160043 某房屋抬升纠偏施工期结构形态监测系统的 实现与应用研究 汪学清1,乔胜利,马焖1,胡德俊1,许哲东1,姚建平2,郭增强2 (1 中图矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京100083; 2.中国铁送科学研完院铁送建研完所,北京100081) [摘委]房屋指升纠编在纠偏工程中比较少见,施工工艺也比较直杂,并各个施工流程控制求也比较严格, 此施工过程中息样保证房屋结构的形态线性与容全和及时掌房屋的结构奇对整个施工过程的容全来说具有 重要意义,如何在指升过程中保证楼房沉降部分蒋步依夏是整个工程成功的关键.采用2套动化监测统和传 说监测技术手篮,并将其所测得的结果进行了对比分析,研完不同监测手疆所测据的精确性尚可露性. [美键词]蒋升:纠偏:沉降;动化;监测系说 [中图分类号]TU472.99;TU746.3 [文献标识码]A[交章编导]1002-8498(2016)16-0043-05 Research on the Realization and Application of Structural Monitoring System for One Building Lifting-rectification Under Construction Wang Xueqing' Qiao Shengli' Ma Jiong' Hu Dejun' Xu Zhedong' Yao Jianping2 Guo Zengqiang (1.School of Mechanics Civil Engineering China University of Mining Technology Beijing 100083 China; 2.Railway Construction Institute of China Academy of Railway Sciences Beijing 100081 China) Abstract:The building lifting rectification is not mon to see in the rectification as well as plicated in the construction and the construction process is controlled strictly so the way of which to evaluate linear form and its safety and to master configuration state of the building in time are of great signification for the whole process of construction as well as to ensure the settlement of building lifting steady is the key to success.Two sets of automatic monitoring system is used and so do the traditional monitoring technology means.Besides the measured results were pared and analyzed in ad...
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