施工技术 2012年4月下 52 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第363期 某深基坑支撑环梁拆除技术 周广存,高哲,姜雪松,杨玉桥,张秀川 (中建一局集团建设发展有限公,北京100102) [摘要]某深基坑共设3道钢筋混凝土水平支律,支撑拆除方量约5000m3.经分析,第2 3道环梁位于基坑中下 部,采用爆碳拆除方式:第1道环梁距地面0.7且基坑南侧有建筑物,采用机械拆除施工.详细介绍了燥破拆除 和机械拆除设计原则和施工工艺.最后,对3种常用的基坑支撑环梁拆除方式—一爆破拆除、机械拆除和人工拆 除的施工工艺和经济指标进行对比和分析. [关键词】深基坑:支撑:环梁;拆除:爆破:施工技术 [中图分类号]TU245 [文献标识码】A 【文章编号]1002-8498(2012)08-0052-04 Demolition Techniques of Supports Ring Beam for Some Deep Foundation Excavation Zhou Guangcun Gao Zhe Jiang Xuesong Yang Yuqiao Zhang Xiuchuan China Construction First Building(Group)Co.Lad.Bejing 100102 China) Abstract:Some deep foundation excavation is designed with 3 horizontal concrete supports and the demolition quantity is 5 000m.According to the analysis the second and the third ring beam locates at middle or lower part of the foundation excavation so the blasting demotion is selected.However the first ring beam is only 0.7m below the ground and there are buildings at south of the foundation excavation thus the mechanical demolition method is adopled.Finally the construction technology and economical indexes of three normal demolition methods are pared and analyzed including blasting demolition mechanical demolition and manual demolition. Key words:deep foundation excavation;supports;ring beam:demolition;blasting:construction 深基坑支撑环梁作为临时性结构,在施工结构 表1支撑环梁设计 主体时需要对其进行拆除.爆破拆除、机械拆除和 Table 1 Design of supports ring beam 人工拆除是目前常用的3种深基坑支撑环梁拆除技 位置 编号 名称 藏面尺寸/ mn x mum) 术.在实际施工过程中,需要根据不同施工环境选 第1道支撑 CHI 支律 800×800 择相应...