2011年3月上 施工技术 第40卷第336期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 69 某现浇楼板模板钢管桁架支撑技术 程显风1,厉明山2,章文菁1 (1.金华职业技术学院建筑工程学院,浙江金华321017;2.展元集团有限公司,浙江金华321000) [摘要]某钢结构厂房为现浇钢筋混凝土楼板,该工程占地面积大,层高高,为节约成本,缩短施工工期,模板支架 采用扣件式钢管桁架支撑技术.给出了模板及其支撑架布置,重点介绍了钢管桁架制作、安装、拆除等施工工艺. 混凝土浇筑期间,通过对整个支撑体系的观测,支撑体系变形量很小,取得了良好的效果. [关词]钢结构厂房;钢筋混凝土楼板;钢管桁架;支撑 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)05-0069-03 Steel-tube Truss Support Technology for Some Cast-in-situ Floor Formwork Cheng Xianfeng' Li Mingshan2 Zhang Wenjing' (1.The College of Architecture and Cisil Engineering.Jinhua Polytechnic Jinhua Zhejiang 321017 China; 2.Shengyuan Group Co.Lid.Jinhua Zhejiang 321000 China) Abstract:Some steel structure plant applies cast-in-situ reinforced concrete floor.This engineering has large building area high storey height in order to save cost and induce construction period steel-tube truss support technology is adopted for formwork stent.The arrangement of formwork and support are indicated and the fabrication installation and demolition are introduced in detail.It is pointed out that during concrete pouring through detection for the total support system the deformation is small and it gains good effect. Key words:steel structure plant;reinforced concrete floor;steel-tube truss:support 1工程概况 施工工期且成本高.同时2层楼面支设浇筑时,由于 浙江九天空间钢结构有限公司(JTSS)钢结构厂 地面土层松软和施工荷载过大,容易使模板支架体 房工程为地上3层,建筑占地面积7147.45m2 建筑 系发生沉降,影响工程质量和施工安全. 面积21548.3m2 建筑高度16.95m;1层层高8m 2 3 2)方案2设计一种钢管桁架作为楼板模板支 层均为4.4m.结构类型为钢结构,楼(屋)面楼板主撑系统的承力结构,钢管桁架不需支撑到地面或楼 次梁均为工字型钢,主梁跨度和间距分别为900...