2012年6月上 施工技术 第41卷第366期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 99 某站房逆作施工及预应力张拉全过程施工仿真研究 季金文,冯香玲,张开臣2 (1.中国民航机场建设集团公司,北京100101:2.北京市建筑工程研究晚有限责任公司,北京100039) [摘要]某大型站房结构采用了逆作法施工方案,即先施工屋顶钢结构,然后再施工下部轨道梁、落客平台及高架 层结构.为了研究逆作法施工和后期预应力混凝土梁张拉对屋顶预应力钢结构的影响,建立整体模型,按照实际 逆作法施工顺序进行了施工模拟计算,并与一次加载模型结果进行了对比分析,从而确保了结构的成型状态与设 计相符. [关键词]预应力混凝土;逆作法:张拉;仿真 [中围分类号]TU753;TU757 [文献标识码]A [文章编号】1002-8498(2012)11-0099-03 Simulation Study on the Reverse Construction Method and Prestress Tension of the Main Building of a Railroad Station Ji Jinwen' Feng Xiangling' Zhang Kaichen2 (1.China Airport Construction Group Corporation of CAAC.Beijing 100101 China; 2.Bejing Building Construction Research Institute Co.Lad.Bejing 100039 China) Abstract:The main building of a railroad station is built with reverse construction.The steel struetures of roof are constructed first and then the rail beams drop-off platform and overhead floor.In order to investigate the impact on the prestressed steel structures of the roof for the reverse construction and prestress tension of the concrect beams the integral model is built and construction simulation is conducted and the results are pared with those of one time loading simulation the structural shape conforms to design shape. Key words:prestressed concrete;reverse method;tension;simulation 1工程概况 68m 主要采用大跨度预应力索拱及索壳结构,通过 某站房地上共3层,首层为出站层,2层为站台桁架与结构柱连接.典型结构剖面如图1所示. 层(标高12m) 3层为高架候车层(标高21m) 上部 本工程结构体系复杂,下部为铁路桥梁结构, 为钢结构屋顶,总的建筑面积37.8万m2.站房东、 中间为大跨度预应力混凝土框架体系,屋顶为大跨 西落客平台及高架候车层采用大跨度预应力混凝 度预应力钢结构....
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