2013年5月上 施工技术 第42卷第9期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOCY 67 D0:10.7672/sgjs2013090067 某航天科研厂房工程防微振体系施工技术 黄亮,王良波,詹志雄,林国潮 (中建三局第二建设工程有限责任公司,北京100068) [摘要]某航天光学遥感中心厂房大口径光学镜片研发车间,其试验平台防微振要求较高,并且绝对水平.为满足 工程需要,采用隔振池气浮平台形式的防微振体系.结合工程实际,详细介绍了防微振体系的技术特点、施工工 艺、操作流程、质量及安全控制措施等.通过该防微振体系方案的实施和采用全数字化计算机系统监控,确保了工 程准确度和精确度,取得了良好的施工效果. [关键词]防微振体系;气浮平台;监测;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU476 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)09-0067-03 Construction of Micro-vibration System in Some Aerospace Research Center Building Huang Liang Wang Liangbo Zhan Zhixiong Lin Guochao The Second Construction Co. Ltd.of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Beijing 100068 China) Abstract:The experimental platform in a space optical remote sensing center has very high demand on the micro-vibration prevention and levelness of the platform.In order to meet the requirements the micro-vibration prevention system with vibration isolation pool and air-spring platform was adopted. Combined with this project the micro-vibration prevention system is introdueed including technieal features construction technology construction process quality and safety control measures ete.With the application of the micro-vibration prevention system and digitalized puter monitoring system the construction precision and accuracy were ensured and good construction effects were obtained. Key words:micro-vibration system;air-spring platform;monitoring;construction 0引言 台(气浮平台)及其上部安装的模拟真空试验罐体, 建筑结构防微振体系是能减弱环境振动影响, 使其完全不接触任何可以传递震动波的固体,从而 保证精密设备、仪器正常运行的建筑结构防微振措 达到防振效果. 施...
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