施工技术 2010年4月 98 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第4期 某超大单跨钢屋盖液压同步整体提升施工技术 刘建飞,钟新国,周林,张洁,王虹权 (中建三局第一建设工程有限责任公司,上海201206) [摘要]上海浦东国际机场科技宇航A380大修机库钢屋盖为单跨结构,跨度156.8m 采用钢网架H型钢桁架结 构体系.结合工程安装条件及施工成本,采用液压同步整体提升安装工艺.对施工过程中液压同步整体提升工艺 的施工流程、提升系统的设计与选择、液压同步控制方法、提升工艺原理及整体提升工艺做了简要介绍.提升就位 后,各项指标均达到规范要求. [关键词]上海浦东国际机场;钢屋盖;液压同步整体提升;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.15 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)04-0098-04 Construction Technology for Hydraulic Synchronous Integral Hoisting of Some Super-large Single-span Steel Roof Liu Jianfei Zhong Xinguo Zhou Lin Zhang Jie Wang Hongquan (The First Construction Engineering Limited Company of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Shanghai 201206 China) Abstract:The steel roof structure for major overhaul hangar of Science and Technology Aerospace A380 in Shanghai Pudong International Airport is a single span structure with span of 156.8m which applies bined structure of steel grid frame and truss.Combining with installation condition and construction cost the technology of hydraulic synchronous integral hoisting is adopted.Authors briefly introduce the options of proposals during the construction hydraulic synchronous control method hoisting principle and integral hoisting technology.After hoisting and location all the indexes meet requirements of codes. Key words:Shanghai Pudong International Airport;steel roof;hydraulic synchronous integral hoisting; construction technology 1工程概况 上海浦东国际机场科技宇航A380大修机库工程 大厅屋盖钢结构跨度156.80m 进深79.7m.屋盖结 构采用3层斜放四角锥焊接钢网架H型钢桁架结构 体系(见图1).网架网...
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