施工技术 2016年11月上 94 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第21期 D0I:10.7672/5gj52016210094 某超深基坑组合支护体系设计与施工监测 张国庆1,周予启,郑群1,王天峰1,吴晨浠2 (1.中建一局集团建设发展有限公司,北京100102;2.中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京100083) [摘要]朝阳区霞光里5号、6号商业金融项目基坑开挖深度29.8m 是北京市乃至全国垂直支护深度最深的基坑 之一,结合此工程基坑开挖深度深、场地水文地质条件复杂、施工难度大的特点,介绍了此工程支护体系的设计方 案及施工要点,并通过实际监测表明该设计方案满足基坑支护规范及要求. [关键词]深基坑;支护;设计;施工;监测 [中图分类号]TU473.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0094-05 Design and Construction Monitoring with Composite Support System of a Deep Foundation Excavation Zhang Guoqing' Zhou Yuqi' Zheng Qun' Wang Tianfeng' Wu Chenxi2 (1.China Construction First Group Construction Development Co.Ltd.Beijing 100102 China;2.School of Mechanics and Architectural Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Beijing 100083 China) Abstract:The mercial and financial project in No.5 and 6 Xiaguangli Chaoyang District in Beijing is one of the deepest foundation excavation in China.This paper introduced the design of supports system and key points of construction bined with the deep depth of excavation engineering plicated site hydrogeological condition and difficult construction features and according to monitoring it indicated that the design could meet the specifications and requirements of excavation. Key words:deep foundation excavation;supports;design;construction;monitoring 1工程概况 朝阳区霞光里5号、6号商业金融项目位于北 5-16 京市朝阳区三元桥外霞光里,东南临霞光里北一 街,南接北京无线通信局用地,西邻机场高速路和 地铁10号线三元桥站,北邻中国华大集成电路设计 集坑挖深 H-29.80m 中心.项目总用地9579.25m2 总建筑面积为 68085m2 其中地上16层,面积40000m2 地下6 通阳大厦 层,...